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Gain 10+mph of Swing Speed In Less Than 30 Days...
Finally, A Golf Workout That Increases Your Swing Speed In Just 20 Minutes A Day/ 3 Days A Week, Without Any Experience, Guaranteed!

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"I've spent a small country's GDP on speed and swing aides- the return on paying for this program crushes them."
-Philip Quatrale, 50, Customer
Listen, I know you aren't driving the ball as far as you want, and you don't seem to be making much progress toward doing so.
Most people spend thousands of dollars on equipment, training aids and lessons that ends up creating little to no positive change in their ability to swing faster and drive a golf ball farther.
The biggest reason is none of these really do anything to fix the real problem... You need more swing speed. Simple as that.
And that's something that training aids and even golf lessons simply will not do. They will not enhance your body's ability to create speed and power.
The good news is there is a simple formula to getting faster that works every time...
Best of all anyone can improve their swing speed with this method, and fast!
Hi, I'm Joshua Crews, and I'm a golf performance specialist and former professional golfer.
After more than two decades of the relentless pursuit of speed and power in golf, I have discovered a sure fire strategy that has helped me routinely BOMB 400 yard drives and reach average swing speeds of 150+ mph.
This led me to even dabble in long drive for a few years, becoming a 7X World Long Drive Championship Finalist while setting multiple records and becoming an original member of the Callaway Kings of Distance Team in the process.
And now I want to offer my same strategy to you today so you can start driving farther the very next time you step foot on the course!

That's why I created the TOUR SWING SPEED WORKOUT: SPEED TRAINING. An incredibly simple yet effective golf workout program that helps you increase your swing speed and distance.

After more than two decades of learning, trial and error and spending well over six-figures to find exactly what works, I've come to one conclusion... It was totally worth it to me to acquire the knowledge and skills I have!
The good news? Now you don't have to go through the same struggle I did or spend what I did for this solution!
Because I already went through all the pain to create this offer, you don't have to go through any of that same pain yourself! It will be so much easier for you!
What took me years to figure out can be condensed down into a program that can be performed in just 20 minutes a day/ 3 days a week to start to see real, lasting results!
Here's What You Will Start To Notice...
You will increase your overall swing speed with every club so that you can not only BOMB IT off the tee, but also fire your irons at the pin with less effort!​
Your athleticism and coordination will improve significantly so that you can swing with greater confidence and authority!
You will be able to swing smoother and STILL swing faster than before which will improve both your distance AND accuracy!
You can perform speed training workouts almost anywhere, and even if you don't have any equipment!
You will be able to easily chart progress regardless of your experience or age so that you can see solid proof of your own progress in real time!
You will only need to do the program 20 minutes a day/ 3 days a week so you will have more time to focus on actually playing golf!
Here Are Just Some Of
The Results Golfers Are Getting...
Ashley J. used this workout to reach a
personal best club head speed of 118 mph!

Chris G. gained 5 mph from his very first session!

PGA Class A Member Ed M. gained distance
using only 20% of the program!

So Here's Everything That's Included...

The simple, easy to follow TOUR SWING SPEED WORKOUT: SPEED TRAINING program that will walk you through the exact steps to take to increase your swing speed​
PROGRESS TRACKER SHEETS to easily track your training progress and see how much you've improved
SWING SPEED TECHNIQUES that the longest hitters in the world use to get the most swing speed out of their current abilities
GOLF SPEED TRAINING PRINCIPLES so you can easily understand how to get faster now, and even after the program
Access to video demonstrations showing you exactly how to perform each exercise
Hand selected exercises that you can use to get faster and drive farther even with no gym!
All of this immediately delivered to you digitally so you can start getting faster TODAY!
But That's Not All...
These Amazing BONUSES Will Also
Be Available Immediately To You

BONUS #1: Instantly Hit Your Irons 2 Clubs Farther - The little known technique tour stars use to hit their irons a mile AND with laser accuracy... PLUS how you can learn to do the same in just a single range session with two easy to follow moves!
BONUS #2: 4 Inches To 20 More Yards - Four easy adjustments to make before you even take the club back that the pros use when they really want to BUST one!
BONUS #3: The Speed Mentality - Discover the SECRET to instantly creating tension free speed that you can call on time and time again!​
BONUS #4: The Uppercut Drill - How to quickly master the feeling of hitting up on the ball and creating ideal launch conditions at impact for maximum distance!
BONUS #5: The Getting Stronger For Golfers Workout - A golfer's beginner guide to getting stronger through weight training without getting bulky or too stiff
BONUS #6: Tour Balance Drill - A simple but highly effective drill that will allow you to start improving your balance both now and for the long run
BONUS #7: 3 Stretches For A Pro Level Shoulder Turn & Extension - A trio of stretches that directly mirror the golf swing and will allow you to fast track your progress on your way to a bigger turn and better extension
The Total Value Of Everything You Get
Inside Of This Offer Is $297...
If all this did was let have more fun on the golf course and impress clients, friends, family, you name it... would it be worth that price?
But hey, I'm not going to charge you the $297 that this is worth.
I'm not even going to charge you half that.
I'm not even going to charge you the $97 that my personal business advisor said I probably should...
Because You Are Here Today, I'm Going To
Give You A Very Special Price Of Just $27!

I am so confident that you will get results from this easy to follow program if you simply apply everything you learn from it. If you don't feel like it has improved your body's ability to move faster and hit harder, then take advantage of our full 30 day money back guarantee!
But you must act now because these limited time bonuses will not be available with this offer at this price for long!
Just Imagine Finally Making Struggling With
Your Driving Distance A Thing Of The Past!
So click on the button below right now and you'll be taken to a secure order form. After you put in your credit card information, you'll be granted access to a secure members' area where you can download the TOUR SWING SPEED WORKOUT: SPEED TRAINING program and get all of the bonuses immediately, even if it is the middle of the night.

Plus These Bonuses...

The Tour Swing Speed Workout And Bonuses
Is Normally $297, But Get It Today For Only $27!
Here's What More Golfers Have To Say...

Plus These Bonuses...

The Tour Swing Speed Workout And Bonuses
Is Normally $297, But Get It Today For Only $27!
So click on the button above right now and you'll be taken to a secure order form. After you put in your credit card information, you'll be granted access to a secure members' area where you can download the TOUR SWING SPEED WORKOUT: SPEED TRAINING program and get all of the bonuses immediately, even if it is the middle of the night.
Frequently Asked
What's so different about this program? It may have taken a lifetime of learning what exercises do and do not work for increasing swing speed and driving distance in the golf swing, but you get to benefit from all of that with a distilled workout program that is easy to understand, follow and perform. Best yet, the program only requires 20 minutes a day/ 3 days a week to get results. This leaves all of the rest of your time available so you can do what you love most... Play golf!
Is this program going to work? This program has been tested by 1000s of golfers worldwide, and the testimonials with the progress these golfers are making is never short of amazing.
Why is this so affordable? Honestly? I love seeing other golfers BOMBING the ball farther than ever just as much as I love to do so myself. Because of this, I want to help as many golfers as possible with this program; that's why the pricing is set so low that anyone serious about leveling up can afford it.
What's the catch? No catch! Simply if you love playing golf and are serious about leveling up your swing speed and driving distance, then good news for you, you are at the right place.
How much time do I need to dedicate? As long as you are able to put in 20 minutes a day/ 3 days a week, you would definitely see some results within 7 days.
Why not do the workout every day? Part of the reason the body adapts and becomes faster, stronger and more powerful is through recovery. If you train at max intensity every day you will burn out, and have little results to show for it. By allowing your body at least 1 day of rest in between each workout, you will be giving your body the adequate rest it needs to recover and be faster and be ready for the next session.
What if I don't get faster? If you put in the time every other day to perform the exercises for at least 7 days, go through the whole program and still see no improvements in speed, you'll get your money back.
How do I know this course is for me? If you are an intermediate golfer or better and you are struggling with improving or even lost driving distance, this structured speed program is the right pick for you.
What if I have any questions? I am never too far away from reach. If you still have any more questions, feel free to reach out to me either through my social media or email at: Instagram: @strong.golfers TikTok: @joshuatheviking Email:

Quick About
Joshua Crews
Based in The Woodlands/Conroe, TX
Seen on The Golf Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN 3, ESPN Radio, NBC, CBS & more
27 Years Golf Experience
PGA & Nationwide Tour Experience
Former Collegiate Golfer
Former Top Ranked Junior Golfer
Former Long Drive World Record Holder & 7X World Finalist
228mph Top Ball Speed
164mph Top Club Head Speed
459 Yards Longest Drive In WLDC
400+ Yard Carry In Multiple Official WLDC Events
Masters Degree & Multiple Certifications
Founder & CEO of BRUTE Golf from starting it in 2014 to selling it in 2020

The Tour Swing Speed Workout And Bonuses
Is Normally $297, But Get It Today For Only $27!
So click on the button above right now and you'll be taken to a secure order form. After you put in your credit card information, you'll be granted access to a secure members' area where you can download the TOUR SWING SPEED WORKOUT: SPEED TRAINING program and get all of the bonuses immediately, even if it is the middle of the night.
Plus These Bonuses...
© 2023 by STRONGgolfers©.
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