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My 3 Flexibility Secrets

Hey Fellow Golfer!
I am excited to share with you the 3 Secrets you must use to actually make significant improvements to your golf swing flexibility...
But first, it helps to know why almost every flexibility program out there simply falls short of delivering any real, lasting results whatsoever.
The reason most programs just don't work is because they do not target the actual problem, tight fascia.
You see, the fascia is a thin, tough sheath that surrounds your muscle fibers.

As we age, this sheath gets tougher and tighter around your muscle fibers...
It's also what's mainly responsible for "tight muscles" from things like lifting heavy weights frequently.
The fascia is actually what limits your muscles ability to elongate or move as freely as before.
This makes flexibility progress almost impossible unless directly addressed.
That's why traditional flexibility methods are not effective...
They just promote stretching a muscle to its limit, which is limited by the fascia...
This does almost nothing to make the fascia more pliable.
Which is why you never seem to make any substantial progress.
Don't get me wrong, static stretches are great and necessary in a quality flexibility program...
But they must be done later in a session once the muscle fascia has already been relaxed and broken up.
Now here's the great news, this can all be reversed regardless of age or experience level by following the right program!
Now, here are the 3 Secrets that must be a part of your ideal golf flexibility program...
SECRET #1: You must do more than just "stretch" the muscle...
You have to break through this stubborn muscle fascia that is holding you back...
This is done by utilizing Muscle Fascia Expansion, Muscle Fascia Compression and Muscle Fascia Elongation exercises in your program.
Your classic "stretching routines" typically just use Muscle Fascia Elongation exercises, and in the wrong order at that.
SECRET #2: You must perform flexibility exercises based around the part of your swing you are having issues with...
Are you standing up through impact?
Having difficulty extending through the ball?
Can't make a full shoulder turn?
Lack of wrist flexibility limiting your swing speed?
These are just some of the issues that may occur, and if the correct system is not in place for your unique situation then progress will be limited at best.
SECRET #3: You must perform flexibility exercises in the correct order for maximum effectiveness...
This part is almost always overlooked, even in the best of programs.
For best results-
First you should perform exercises that expand the fascia, stretching it from the inside out.
Examples of this are FST exercises.
Second you should perform exercises that compress the fascia, breaking up the tightness from the outside in.
An example of this is foam rolling.
Third you should finally perform more traditional exercises that elongate the fascia when it is most pliable and ready to make progress, stretching it from end to end.
Static stretches would be an example here.
Hope this has shed some light on why traditional stretching might not have worked very well for you in the past, and more importantly what to do about it.
Have fun out there!
-Josh Crews
PS: If you want a shortcut that spells out exactly what to do and how...
My revolutionary 3D Golf Flexibility System is the only golf flexibility program that actually utilizes these 3 Secrets to get unbelievable results.
The entire program can be performed quickly and easily right in your home...
No gym or golf course required to see results!
Now's the perfect time to improve your flexibility leading to longer drives, fewer aches and pains, reduced tension, etc...
There's also a bunch of awesome bonuses...
So what are you waiting for?
Checkout my 3D Golf Flexibility System today by clicking HERE
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